2 research outputs found

    Pengawasan hak cipta pada produk software komputer di kota Palangka Raya (perspektif hukum positif dan hukum ekonomi syariah)

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh maraknya penggunaan dan penjualan produk software bajakan pada masyarakat di Kota Palangka Raya. Penggunaan dan penjualan produk software tanpa adanya izin dari pencipta/pemegang hak cipta merupakan pembajakan dan suatu tindakan pelanggaran hak cipta sesuai pada UU Hak Cipta dan Fatwa MUI. Fokus penelitian ini adalah bagaimana bentuk serta kendala dalam pengawasan hak cipta terhadap produk software komputer di Kota Palangka Raya? dan bagaimana transaksi jual beli produk software komputer bajakan dalam kajian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah?. Pada penelitian yuridis sosiologis ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan konseptual. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan studi pustaka dan lapangan dengan metode deskriptif analitik. Hasil penelitian ini: (1) Pengawasan dilakukan oleh Penyidik Satuan Kerja Ditreskrimsus Polda Kalteng yang sudah memahami wewenang yang diberikan oleh UU Hak Cipta, dalam pelaksanaannya pengawasan tidak dilakukan secara maksimal serta tidak adanya sinergitas antara masyarakat dan aparat penegak hukum dalam mencegah pelanggaran hak cipta. (2) Kendala yang ditemui yaitu pihak Ditreskrimsus Polda Kalteng masih belum memberikan perhatian khusus terhadap masalah hak cipta, hak cipta memiliki sifat delik aduan, tidak adanya laporan serta kurang aktifnya peran pencipta/pemegang hak cipta, minimnya pengetahuan dan kesadaran hukum masyarakat terhadap hak cipta, tingkat sosial ekonomi masyarakat yang rendah, dan juga faktor kemajuan teknologi informasi yang berkembang pesat. (3) Secara umum praktik jual beli produk software komputer sah dalam pandangan Islam. Namun jika melakukan praktik jual beli menggunakan produk software komputer ilegal (bajakan) maka jual beli tersebut masuk dalam perbuatan gaá¹£ab dan hukumnya haram atau dilarang dalam Islam. ABSTRACT This research is motivated by the widespread use and sale of pirated software products in the people of Palangka Raya Cityzen. The use and sale of software products without permission from the creator/copyright holder is piracy and an act of copyright infringement in accordance with the Copyright Law and the MUI Fatwa. The focus of this research is what are the forms and constraints in copyright supervision of computer software products in Palangka Raya City? and how is the sale and purchase transaction of pirated computer software products in the study of Sharia Economic Law?. In this sociological juridical research the researcher uses a statutory and conceptual approach. The data collection techniques in this study used literature and field studies with analytical descriptive methods. The results of this study: (1) Supervision is carried out by Investigators from the Ditreskrimsus Polda Central Kalimantan who already understand the authority granted by the Copyright Law, but in practice, supervision is not carried out optimally and there is no synergy between the community and law enforcement officials in preventing rights violations. create. (2) Obstacles encountered are that the Ditreskrimsus Polda Central Kalimantan still has not paid special attention to copyright issues, copyright has a complaint offense nature, there are no reports and the inactive role of the creator/copyright holder, the lack of knowledge and legal awareness of the community towards copyright. , the low socio-economic level of the community, as well as the rapidly growing information technology advancement factor. (3) In general, the practice of buying and selling computer software products is legal in the view of Islam. However, if you practice buying and selling using illegal (pirated) computer software products, then buying and selling is included in the act of gaab and the law is haram or prohibited in Islam

    Copyright on Computer Software Products in Palangka Raya City (Positive Legal Perspective and Sharia Economic Law)

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    The widespread use and sale of pirated software products to the public in Palangka Raya City, who have the potential to commit copyright infringement, motivates this research. The use and sale of software products without permission from the creator/copyright holder is piracy and an act of copyright infringement under the Copyright Law and the MUI Fatwa. This study discusses the forms and constraints in controlling Copyright on computer software products and Islamic views on the practice of buying and selling pirated computer software products. The researcher uses a statutory and conceptual approach in this sociological, juridical research. The data collection techniques in this study used literature and field studies with descriptive-analytical methods. The practice of buying and selling computer software products is legal in Islam's view. However, suppose you practice buying and selling using illegal (pirated) computer software products. In that case, the sale and purchase are considered harmful, and the law is forbidden or prohibited in Islam. The existence of free song download sites on electronic media has the potential to infringe on Copyright. I gave authors the exclusive right to use themselves and may prohibit other people without their permission from using their work primarily for commercial purposes. Free download sites that do not have permission and do not provide royalties to classify creators as copyright infringement based on the Copyright Law and ITE Law provisions. The method used in this research is legal research, which is included in empirical research. Based on the research results, the law enforcement process has not run optimally. Public legal awareness of Copyright, which is still low, and technological advances